Valentines with Geisha
This Valentine's day we present you a minicollection and campaign with my all time favourite Finnish chocolate brand Geisha.

The collection is feminine, sweet & romantic, inspired by everlasting friendships. The Diana Heart Wrap and Heart Sweatshirt come in pink velour with chocolate trims and lace. There is a brand new lace top in town - Janne. The pink and chocolate tops come in very limited quantities.

The Valentine's campaign is pink, the colour of Geisha, infused with Japanese cherry blossoms. It took a few days to build the floral skirt to perfection by our stylist extraordinaire Johanna. But it was worth the time as the result was pretty amazing. The campaign was produced by our usual partners in crime, the Kriss Soonik squad girls, who proved again that they rock! Thank you Sandra, Gerda, Getter, Kadri, Johanna, DDB & Geisha!